Friday, September 26, 2008

Cuba and the Greater Antilles

For two decades, WWF-Canada has been helping to conserve the coral reefs, mangrove swamps, and other key habitats that support Cuba's exuberant diversity of life.
We have gone from pilot projects to full-scale, regional initiatives that are greening Cuban tourism, promoting sustainable fishing practices, and building a network of marine protected areas. In the process, we have earned the respect of the federal government and local communities alike.
And while our conservation expertise is making an impact in Cuba, Canada has much to learn in return. Cuba is currently the only country on the globe to meet WWF's criteria for sustainable development, minimizing its ecological footprint while preserving a healthy standard of living.

After attending the talk the other day that we had in class i thought this little article was very relevant ! i thought it was wonderful how cuba was trying to improve the sustainability of their country as well as finding more eco freindly ways of doing things, such as the increase of solar panals to power their homes, and compression cookers. i was so excited to see this little article on WWF canada's site. It is nice to know that cubas efforts are not going un noticed, and that hopefully other countries will try to follow in cubas foot steps and try to improve the way they consume and use energy and come up with new innovative ways to decrease their eco foot print!


CBEMN said...

Great posts and start to your blog, Nicole!

Geo G said...

hi Nicole
I posted on my blog back to you and then i thought maybe I should blog you back and post on your blog instead of my own lol...You should def call I think there is a number on the webpage... because it is first come first serve!!! I didnt apply online I went to a meeting at the school a few weeks ago and signed up then...Good luck hope you get through...great job on your blog btw